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How to "de-skunk" your dog or cat

Last week I blogged with helpful tips for camping with dogs. It's caught a little attention over on Pinterest, so I thought this new tip I learned today would certainly come in handy when camping with dogs (or cats). Our Beagle was once sprayed while we were camping in Michigan's Porcupine Mountains, and man do I wish I had this recipe then! skunk

How to "de skunk" your dog

- 1 quart peroxide
- 1/4 cup baking soda
- 2 tablespoons dishwashing liquid
Mix in bucket and sponge on dog. Rinse off. The odor will be *GONE*

You can double/quadruple the recipe to make 1/2 gallon - 1 gallon depending on the size and length of coat of the affected dog.

The stuff is safe but be careful NOT to get it in your eyes, and  A Word of Caution:Do Not try to bottle it or put it in a closed container. The by-product of the chemical reaction produced is oxygen and when contained, the solution is explosive. Also, it should be used as soon as it's mixed up.

The reaction doesn't last long so you'll have to act quickly. Good luck and happy camping (with the dogs!)

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