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Maximizing kitchen space in your RV will make cooking easier

Maximizing kitchen space in your RV will make cooking easier There’s nothing like a home cooked meal after a long day of driving or outdoor activities. Cooking in your RV’s kitchen should be a pleasurable experience but due to the smaller space it can sometimes make creating great dishes tough. Maximizing kitchen space in your RV will make cooking easier and much more enjoyable. Here are some great tips that will help you get organized and ensure you have the correct tools for the job.
kitcehn tools

Kitchen Tools

You want to ensure that you are bringing along enough equipment to do the job but not so much that you can’t fit it all in the space you have. One of the easiest ways to clear up clutter in your drawers is to look for utensils that have multi purposes. One example of this would be an adjustable measuring spoon instead of an entire set. This way you still have all the correct sizes, but only need storage space for one! Another example would be a knife that also has a peeler in it so you don’t need to bring both. For things you need multiples of make sure they are things that nest well with one another. For example, get pots and pans that easily stack inside each other instead of each needing their own space. There is a set of utensils you can get by Joseph Joseph that fit together to take up only the space of the ladle but also includes a spatula, slotted spoon, spaghetti server, solid spoon, and a storage stand if you want to store it upright on the countertop or in a cabinet. Collapsible items are a huge space saver! They have tons of things such as colanders, bowls, measuring cups, food storage containers, kettles, dish racks, and even an ice cream maker! You can find many of these things at your local Target and what you can’t find you can order on their website.

Organize the Clutter

You can only go so far in clearing out clutter and you have to stop in order to still have things you need. When you get to that point, it’s time to get organized. There are a lot of tips and tricks that will help you to better utilize the space you have and get everything organized. pantryPantry The pantry can be a pain! There are tons of different container sizes and shapes, and you have to be able to get at everything in there easily or it becomes really frustrating. Invest in some usable containers that are all the same relative shape. This way you can put things like sugar or flour in them and get them out of the bags they come in that will not only spill all over but take up more space than needed. Typically we see that the pantry has a lot of vertical space but not horizontal so getting things that stack well or are tall but slender will help to ensure you use that vertical space well. Make sure they are square because putting round containers next to one another always leaves a little space that can’t be used. This space adds up and you’d be surprised just how much is being wasted. CabinetCabinets The cabinets are another place where there is usually a ton of wasted vertical space. Add shelving in your cabinets so you can use this space to get everything in there. You can install extra shelving if you’re good at carpentry, or there are cabinet shelves you can buy that will simply sit in there and make extras. Once you have your solution to the vertical problem you need to tackle the issue of depth. While these cabinets aren’t super deep, most of them are overhead and you have a lot to get in there. Adding in turn tables to keep things on can make it easier to get at everything in there without having to pull things from the front out. You can purchase turntables or make your own with inexpensive cake pans. Just get two round cake pans and put a layer of marbles in one. Put the other inside that pan on top of the marbles and it will turn inside there just like the expensive premade ones. Look for alternative places to store things. The oven can be a great place to store things like baking sheets and pans. Make sure whatever you store in there is heat resistant in the event you forget to take them out before preheating. If you have an RV with a dishwasher, storing things in there when not using it can be helpful as well. This is a great place to put your coffee maker when you’re driving so it doesn’t fall off over bumps. counterCounter Space Freeing up counter space can be crucial especially in smaller RVs with small amounts of it. Utilizing sink and range covers when not using them opens up a lot more workspace on the counters. If your RV did not come with them you can order them online for pretty much any size. There are even covers that double as a cutting board to make the space even more usable. Another great space saver to look for is a dish rack that rests over the sink. This way when you’re done washing the dishes they aren’t just sitting on the counter taking up needed space. There is even a collapsible version you can get that will stack nicely with everything else when you’re not using it. fridgeFridge Much of the advice for the fridge is the same we talked about with the pantry. Get containers to put things in so you can get rid of bulky packaging and make sure they are tall, slim, and square. If you need to create compartments in your fridge to hold things in place you can get tension bars that are great for this. There are also clear storage bins you can get that stack well and allow you to see in them and know what you have. Stacking things like deli meats and cheese is much easier when they are in a hard container that won’t fall over as opposed to the bags they come in. You can also add shelving the same way as the cabinets to help use any vertical space that’s wasted in the fridge as well.
Making an RV kitchen and the cooking experience feel like home without having to sacrifice your regular household amenities can be a serious challenge. Ensure you choose items to put in your RV that are multi-use, add more storage space where you can, and do your best to make use of every inch of built-in storage space. By maximizing the available space in your RV, you can have all of your kitchen and cooking comforts, while you’re on the road.
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