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Camper Christmas Recipes for Sweet Tooth Satisfaction

Very Merry gingerbread men at Christmas time

Satisfying that sweet tooth is important, even on the road! Christmas time is the perfect excuse to binge on all those tasty goodies. Here is a list of sweet treats for that sweet tooth satisfaction!

Morning Cinnamon Rolls

Ingredients for morning cinnamon rolls

Wake up to the delicious aroma of cinnamon wafting through your house on Christmas morning with these scrumptious Morning Cinnamon Rolls! These taste so much better than store-bought ones, you may never be tempted to buy Pillsbury® again.


2 C. warm milk
1¾ stick of real butter, divided
2 eggs, beaten
½ C. sugar
1½ Tbsp. quick-rising yeast
1 tsp. salt
9 C. flour
2 C. brown sugar
3 Tbsp. cinnamon
1 8oz. package cream cheese
4 C. powdered sugar
½ tsp. vanilla


Step 1: In a large bowl, combine the warm milk, ¾ stick of butter, eggs, sugar, yeast, and salt. Mix well.

Step 2: Add in one cup of the flour, mix, and repeat until you reach the proper consistency. It shouldn’t be sticky. Set it in the fridge for an hour to let it rise. While you wait, make the filling!

Step 3: In a small bowl, melt the remaining butter (don’t let it boil). Mix in the brown sugar and cinnamon.

Step 4: Once the dough has chilled for an hour, roll it out into a ¼”-thick rectangle. Then spread the cinnamon sugar butter evenly on it, leaving a ¾” boarder around the outside.

Step 5: Rolling the long side of the rectangle, roll it tightly and evenly all the way down.

Step 6: Slice the roll into 2" pieces evenly with a serrated knife.

Step 7: Butter a cake pan and place the rolls into it. Let them sit another 45 minutes to rise.

Step 8: In a 350° pre-heated oven, bake them for 25-30 minutes or until golden brown. While they bake, make the icing.

Step 9: In a small pan, melt the cream cheese and butter over low heat just until melted. Sift the powdered sugar into it and blend well. Then add the vanilla and mix until well blended.

Step 10: When rolls are cooled a bit but still warm, frost them with the icing and enjoy!

Soft Cookie Cutouts

Ingredients for soft cookie cutouts

Cookies cut into the shapes of reindeer, Christmas trees, angels, and Santas are just one of the classic favorites everyone loves during the holidays! These soft cookie cutouts are not only cute to look at, but they're delicious and moist too! They stay nice and soft and they're irresistible when frosted with our homemade icing (recipe below)!

Cookie Ingredients:

1½ C. unsalted butter, softened (use real butter!!)
1½ C. sugar
2 large eggs
4 tsp. vanilla extract
½ tsp. almond extract
4½ C. flour
1 tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. salt

Cookie Directions:

Step 1: Beat the softened butter in a large bowl until smooth and creamy.

Step 2: Add the sugar and beat until well blended and fluffy.

Step 3: Add in the eggs, vanilla, and almond and mix until well blended. Set this aside.

Step 4: In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, and salt.

Step 5: Add small amounts of the flour mixture to the wet mixture, blending between adding more. Once all is mixed in, add more flour (1 tablespoon at a time) if it’s too sticky until you get a dough consistency that can be rolled.

Step 6: Cover and refrigerator for at least an hour.

Step 7: Preheat the oven to 350° and roll out the dough to about ¼” thick. Cut out the cookies with your favorite cookie cutters.

Step 8: Line your baking trays with parchment paper and place your cookies on it. Bake 8-11 minutes or until lightly browned around the edges.

Step 9: Allow to cool on the sheet for about 5 minutes, then move the cookies to a cooling rack. Allow them to cool completely before icing them.

Icing Ingredients:

½ C. water
¼ C. meringue powder
3¾ C. powdered sugar
1½ tsp. vanilla extract
1½ Tbsp. light corn syrup
Assorted food coloring

Icing Directions:

Step 1: Sift the powdered sugar to remove all the lumps.

Step 2: In a large bowl, beat the meringue powder and water until frothy.

Step 3: Add in the sifted powdered sugar and mix until combined.

Step 4: Add vanilla and light corn syrup and mix on high until the icing is well blended.

Step 5: Your white icing is done! If you want colored icing, separate the icing into bowls and add food coloring a few drops at a time. Mix and add more drops for bolder colors.

Now you can decorate your cookies! Once dry, the icing will harden and you can stack your cookies in a container.

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Ingredients for the best chocolate chip cookies

All chocolate chip cookies are not created equal! If you're like me, you've had out-of-this-world delicious chocolate chip cookies, and you've also had dry, tasteless chocolate chip cookies. This recipe ensures that you end up with fantastically moist cookies thanks to the sour cream that's included! Give them a try! You won't be disappointed!


1¼ C. flour
½ tsp. salt
¼ tsp. baking soda
7 Tbsp. unsalted butter, softened at room temp
¼ C. sugar
¼ C. packed light brown sugar
1 egg

1 tsp. vanilla extract
3 Tbsp. sour cream
1½ C. chocolate chips


Step 1: Preheat the oven to 350°.

Step 2: In a bowl, whisk the flour, salt, and baking soda together until well blended.

Step 3: In a separate bowl, beat together the sugar, brown sugar, and butter until blended and creamy. Then beat in the egg, vanilla, and sour cream.

Step 4: Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, ½ cup at a time, mixing until well blended. Stir in the chocolate chips.

Step 5: Place dough in a bowl and put it in the freezer for about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, line your baking sheets with parchment paper.

Step 6: Scoop your cookie dough onto the lined baking sheets about a tablespoon per cookie, and ensure they’re roughly 2” apart so they have room to spread.

Step 7: Bake for 12-14 minutes or until lightly golden brown.

Easy Mint Chocolate Fudge

Ingredients for easy mint chocolate fudge

There are two types of people in this world: people who love fudge, and people who don't. If you're a fudge lover, you need to give this mint chocolate version a try! You may want to double this recipe though, because it’s going to be gone fast.


1 bag milk chocolate chips
1 can sweetened condensed milk, divided
2 tsp. vanilla extract
1 C. white chocolate chips
¾ tsp. peppermint extract


Step 1: Use parchment paper to line an 8 x 8 baking pan and set it aside.

Step 2: In a microwave-safe bowl, combine the milk chocolate chips, ½ of the can of sweetened condensed milk, and the vanilla. Microwave in 15 second intervals, stirring in between, until melted.

Step 3: In a separate microwave-safe bowl, mix the white chocolate chips, the rest of the milk, and the peppermint extract. Microwave the same way you did the last bowl, until melted.

Step 4: Spoon the melted chocolates into the lined pan, alternating between white and dark for each spoonful.

Step 5: Using a butter knife or other flat tool, drag it back and forth through the chocolate to create a marble pattern.

Step 6: Allow the fudge to harden in the refrigerator for about 4-5 hours. Once it is completely hardened, remove the fudge from the pan by lifting the parchment paper out. Then you just need to cut it into squares!

Turtle Bark

Ingredients for turtle bark

Put a new spin on the traditional bark by making a turtle version! This mixture of chocolate, caramel, and pecans makes a great treat! This is so delicious, you may even want to box it up and give it as a gift! That is, if you can refrain from eating it all yourself!


2 C. roasted pecans, chopped
One bag milk chocolate chips
24 caramels
1½ Tbsp. heavy cream
1 tsp. vanilla
⅔ C. milk chocolate chips
Sea salt


Step 1: Line an 8 x 8 pan with parchment paper.

Step 2: Place 2 ½ cups of the chocolate chips in a microwave-safe dish. Microwave in 15-second intervals, stirring in between, until chocolate is melted and smooth.

Step 3: Stir the pecans into the chocolate, then spread the mixture into the bottom of the parchment paper-lined pan.

Step 4: Place a large frying pan on the stove and cover the bottom with about 2” of water. Place a small, empty saucepan in the water and heat the water to simmering.

Step 5: Add the caramels, heavy cream, and vanilla to the small sauce pan. Heat, stirring frequently, until melted and smooth. Pour the mixture on top of the chocolate in the 8 x 8 pan.

Step 6: Place the rest of the chocolate chips into the microwave-safe bowl and melt using the same method as before. Pour the melted chocolate into a piping bag and pipe the chocolate onto the top of the caramel layer, then top with sea salt.

Step 7: Let it sit at room temperature until hardened. Pull everything out in one swoop by pulling the parchment paper out. Then you can break the bark into pieces.
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