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Applesauce Doughnuts

Greetings campers, this is SJ from Lakeshore RV checking in with a new Campfire Cooking recipe. In Michigan, fall has arrived: the nights are getting longer, there is a chill in the air and the leaves are starting to change colors. What better time to enjoy this campfire snack I came across in my readings?  If your travels take you by any Michigan farm markets, be sure to visit one as fall means three things: fresh apples, fresh doughnuts and fresh apple cider. Make the most of your fall camping experience, stop at a Michigan farm market and buy the fresh ingredients to prepare my Applesauce Doughnuts recipe. Be sure to enjoy this recipe with a mug of fresh apple cider by the campfire!


Here is what you will need:

Large strips of foil
1 dozen large cinnamon sugar doughnuts (found in your favorite bakery or local grocery store)
1 jar applesauce
Campfire with a hot bed of coals

    • Slice the doughnuts in half like a sandwich.

    • Pour about a 1/2 cup of applesauce on one half of the doughnut and then place the other half on top. Wrap the doughnuts in foil and carefully place in the hot coals of your fire with your tongs and let cook for about 12-15 minutes.

    • Remove the foil packages from the coals and enjoy with a hot mug of apple cider!

What are your favorite fall recipes? Please share below, I look forward to reading about your favorites! Thank you for joining me in another installment of Campfire Cooking. This has been SJ from Lakeshore RV Center wishing you Happy Camping and Good Eating!