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French toast and eggs for camping

Breakfast is my favorite meal to both prepare and enjoy, especially when we’re camping!
A hearty breakfast like this makes for more energy later in the day, and leaves you feeling fuller longer, which means a lighter lunch and dinner. Here are two of my absolute favorite breakfast recipes that pair well together.

Skillet French Toast

4 eggs
1 c. milk
4 tbs butter
¼ c. powdered sugar
1 tbs vanilla
5-10 slices of cinnamon swirl bread
Fresh berries

Beat eggs until blended, and stir in milk and vanilla. Pour mixture into a shallow casserole dish. Melt butter in large skillet. Dip bread into mixture and coat thoroughly. Next, fry the bread in the hot skillet until both sides are browned. Serve with a sprinkle of powdered sugar and butter, or warm syrup. Top with fresh berries for an added treat.

Jolly Camper Eggs

6 slices of bacon
1 large onion
1 large chopped green pepper
8 eggs, beaten
1 10.5 oz can of cream of chicken soup
salt & pepper to taste

Fry bacon until crisp; drain and crumble. In two tablespoons of bacon fat sauté the onions and green pepper until tender. Beat the eggs and soup together. Mix in bacon and pour mixture into hot skillet with onions and peppers. Cook over low heat, stirring frequently. Serves 4.
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